parrot043: MGC_7.3.020_Parrot043_V3.apk
parrot043: MGC_7.3.020_Parrot043_V3.apk
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parrot043: MGC_7.3.020_Parrot043_V3.apk
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[ad_1] By Nikita. Download: Nikita-v1.0-Simplecam.apk All versions from Nikita ยป Settings: Configs for Nikita’s Simplecam (GCam 7.0) Changelog: Simplecam (GCam 7.0) with fixed lockscreen permission and changed adaptive icon. OnePlus 5/5T Dotfix: OnePlus 5/5T Front Camera Fix [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By MWP. Download: Changelog: [ For Pixel Only. Source. ] Based on: 8.2.204 from Arnova8G2Tested on: Pixel 2/XL, Pixel 3/XL, Pixel 4/XL, Pixel 5 Mod features: 1. HDR style (HDR Models):Use HDR processing from other pixel devices. Each of selected devices has a different: AWB, Noise model, Edge detection and bokeh effect in portrait…
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[ad_1] I often avoid talking about brands because no brand is perfect. Some in the Android community are also loyal to a brand no matter what they do, while I’m loyal to good products, so discussions often lead to heated arguments that go nowhere. I’m making an exception here because I’ve been recommending OnePlus for…
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