jairo_rossi: PixelCam_Plus_V1.0.apk
jairo_rossi: PixelCam_Plus_V1.0.apk
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jairo_rossi: PixelCam_Plus_V1.0.apk
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[ad_1] Nikita: Nikita-v1.5_GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05_mod [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By MWP. Download: Changelog: [ For Pixel Only. Source. ] Based on: 8.2.204 from Arnova8G2Tested on: Pixel 2/XL, Pixel 3/XL, Pixel 4/XL, Pixel 5 Mod features: 1. HDR style (HDR Models):Use HDR processing from other pixel devices. Each of selected devices has a different: AWB, Noise model, Edge detection and bokeh effect in portrait…
[ad_1] By tigr. Download: Same as above, but with Libs: “libs2 = libs version but with improved default lib for better quality”: Settings: Changelog: [ Source. ] Based on GCam 7.4 from Nikita. New telegram channel: @trCameraCloud. !! Clean App data after installing to avoid issues !! – Added antibanding option– Added OIS option for…
[ad_1] tolyan009: MGC_3.2.045_N5_TlnNeun_V1_B-S-G-based.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] MWP: 7.3.020_MWP_Snapper_V2.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By marco. Download: 7.3_GCam_MJL_v4.2_Minilux.apk All versions from marco ยป Changelog: For the OnePlus 6/6T. Shared on this group. Don’t spam the group if you don’t have a OP6/6T. Changelog Minilux v4.2– rebased on Urnyx05 v2.0, thanks to him– removed 12/16mp mode (too many issues), now included xmls are all 12mp only– added option to…