MWP: 7.3.020_MWP_Snapper_V8.apk
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MWP: 7.3.020_MWP_Snapper_V8.apk
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MWP: 7.3.020_MWP_Snapper_V8.apk
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[ad_1] By P-Z-D. Download: Settings: Changelog: [ Source. ] This version might contain work from Arnova8G2 and BSG. GCam 8.2 with lots of settings, for more advanced users. Configs are saved in the /ConfigsSettings8.2/ directory. Some configs come with the app, go to Settings > Config > “Restore Configs” if they’re not available after installing….
[ad_1] By Wichaya. Download: Settings: Changelog: Based on GCam 7.3.018 Urnyx05 (Thanks Urnyx05)Package name : com.GoogleCamera.Wichaya– Added gamma coefficient, noise processing, temporal denoise radius, highlight color tweak, hue shift (Thanks Tatchan, burial)– Added max motion resolution option based on raw resolution but may use a lot of ram when capturing– Added separate manual focus slider…
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