Nikita: NGCam_7.4.104-v1.9

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By Nikita.




Google Camera 7.4 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.9

Based on: B-S-G and Arnova8G2 GCam 7.4.104

• Support of Open GL Preview with Instantaneous HDR+
• Updated NGCam Custom Lib
• Added new Saturation settings for Extended Lib Patcher
• Added more interface style models
• Added separated color filter arrangement and aux hdr+ models
• Added manual device configs
• Added focus tracking (separately from OpenGL Preview toggle)
• Added 64MP support for Redmi Note 8 Pro (Pixel Binning)
• Added OnePlus 8T support
• Added “OFF” value for AWB settings
• Added IMX298 AWBs – Xiaomi Mi5, LG V20, Asus ZE520KL (Thanks TlnNeun)
• Added focus slider without restart (Thanks Fu24)
• Added summary for Configs: nickname and changelog (Thanks Wichaya)
• Fixed exposure slider for Instantaneous HDR+, no more dual (Thanks Arnova8G2)
• Fixed all toasts and processing in order not to loose photos with the restart
• Fixed Pixel Binning on OP5/5T
• Fixed electronic video stabilization (EIS)
• Other fixes and code improvements

• ATTENTION! Do NOT change this if you not sure! Manual device configs are located in “Settings > Advanced > Device model > Input model”. This will help you to solve some issues if you faced it on the device I cannot test GCam (e.g. if your shutter button is broken I suggest you to try isDefaultsLite config)
• Some new interfaces may crash on your device. Don’t tell about that issue cause it is device depending. They may also work on some manual device configs (e.g. isOnePlus2020)
• OpenGL Preview now works with Instantaneous HDR+. The only problem is in this way motion photos will cause crash (it doesn’t work with both of them)
• Redmi Note 8 Pro supports 64MP only in portrait mode

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