cstark27, johngalt1, Urnyx05: PXv8.1_GCam-v1.2.apk
cstark27, johngalt1, Urnyx05: PXv8.1_GCam-v1.2.apk
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cstark27, johngalt1, Urnyx05: PXv8.1_GCam-v1.2.apk
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[ad_1] By burial. Download: GCam_7.2.010_Burial-vC_release14.03.20.apk All versions from burial ยป Settings: Configs for Burial 7.2 (v7+) Changelog: [ Via Google Translate. Source. ] 1. When processing photos, switching 12/48 is limited and the use of configs (previously led to the loss of photos).2. Separate tone curve settings for each module. For phones that need a…
[ad_1] Alexey070315: MGC_MIX2S_JOKER3.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By Tolyan009/TlnNeun. Download: Gcam_7.3.020_v1.1a_TlnNeun.apk Changelog: (From here, translation via Google Translate.) Android 9+. Based on Google Camera 7.3. fix a bug with a white background in portrait mode on a monster from r0m10, turned off the dynamic black level [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] wyroczen: Gcam_6.1.021_V1.6_02b6.5_Wyroczen.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] Wyroczen: GoogleCamera_8.0_Wyroczen_Alpha.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By wyroczen. Download: GCam_7.3.018_RN8P_Wyroczen_v2.apk Changelog: – Fix for underexposed images. To open additional settings enable option “Enable Mod” in “Learn more” section. Support his work by donating: paypal.me/wyroczen Redmi Note 8 Pro Telegram group: t.me/rn8pro_gcam RN8Pro Forum thread: XDA developers Settings: This version supports .xml configs: Configs for wyroczen’s GCam 7.3 [ad_2] Source link