marlin-ku: GCam_7.2.018_Nokia_8.1_007b.apk

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By marlin-ku.



From 4PDA. Based on Google Camera 7.2.018, for Nokia 8.1 (might work on other devices too).

007b: Try to fix the crash when switching to a camera that doesn’t exist.

marlin-ku also shared other testing versions over at 4PDA and credited other modders for creating some of the code (BSG, Urnyx05, etc). I’m mirroring them here in case someone wants to test them:

– 007a: GCam_7.2.018_Nokia_8.1_007a.apk (Source)

– 007: GCam_7.2.018_Nokia_8.1_V007.apk (Source)

– 006a: GCam_7.2.018_Nokia_8.1_V006a.apk (Source)

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