marco: 7.3_GCam_MJL_v4.1.1_Minilux.apk
marco: 7.3_GCam_MJL_v4.1.1_Minilux.apk
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marco: 7.3_GCam_MJL_v4.1.1_Minilux.apk
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[ad_1] Wyroczen: MGC_6.1_RN8P_Edition_4.8.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By fu24. Download: Gcam_6.1.021_Advanced_V1.6-Fu24_5Lens-02c7.2-snapcam.apk (org.codeaurora.snapcam) Gcam_6.1.021_Advanced_V1.6-Fu24_5Lens-02c7.2-A10.apk (Android 10 / Gcam_6.1.021_Advanced_V1.6-Fu24_5Lens-02c7.2-dual.apk (com.dual.GCam) All APKs from fu24 ยป Configs: Configs for this version Changelog: A list of changes for all variants is available on fu24’s XDA thread for the Xiaomi Mi 6. [ad_2] Source link
Redmi note 7 pro launched back in 2019 with some decent mid range specs it is still a good choice in 2021.This article is about the best gcam for redmi note 7 pro. Gcam is the default camera application for pixel devices,pixel smartphones are the best camera smartphones.Many developers port gcams for specific devices we…
[ad_1] raznoptid: KillerCam_V1.5_Revolution_6.1.021_Fix-Version.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] san1ty: PocoSv10.6.2b.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By onFire. Download: Changelog: [ Source. ] Based on marlin 7.2.018Added xml supportAdded some settings from cstarkFixed long processing in nightsightAdded AWB and AI buttonAlot of other stuffs that i dont remember Notes: File renamed from “test(1).apk” to “GCam_7.2.018_marlin_test.apk” “Due to our lack of time, onFire and hypercam are merging together” [ad_2] Source link