rz_end: HC-7.3.018-v1.1.apk
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rz_end: HC-7.3.018-v1.1.apk
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rz_end: HC-7.3.018-v1.1.apk
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Redmi note 7 pro launched back in 2019 with some decent mid range specs it is still a good choice in 2021.This article is about the best gcam for redmi note 7 pro. Gcam is the default camera application for pixel devices,pixel smartphones are the best camera smartphones.Many developers port gcams for specific devices we…
[ad_1] Nikita: NGCam_7.4.104-v1.4 [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] Greatness: GCamGo_GreatnessNS1.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] marco: 6.1_GCam_MJL_v3.6_Miniflex.apk [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] By marlin-ku. Download: GCam_7.2.018_Nokia_8.1_007b.apk Changelog: From 4PDA. Based on Google Camera 7.2.018, for Nokia 8.1 (might work on other devices too). 007b: Try to fix the crash when switching to a camera that doesn’t exist. marlin-ku also shared other testing versions over at 4PDA and credited other modders for creating some of the code…
[ad_1] By P-Z-D. Download: Settings: Changelog: [ Source. ] This version might contain work from Arnova8G2 and BSG. GCam 8.2 with lots of settings, for more advanced users. Configs are saved in the /ConfigsSettings8.2/ directory. Some configs come with the app, go to Settings > Config > “Restore Configs” if they’re not available after installing….